Pardon My Language But…

Posted: January 30, 2012 in Uncategorized

So, I am clearly sick but I HAD to go to work today for various reasons. In addition to feeling like shit…

On the bus from Hurdman (having to stand, of course). I am on the step up at the back and someone wants to get up. I have to step up to the next level to get out of the way. A guy sitting there has his foot out in the aisle. I step on it a bit, move it away and slip off the top step, so I fall backwards, only catch myself holding a bar on one side. The guy who had his foot stuck out in the aisle gives me a dirty look.


The bus gets to Place du Portage. By this point I was sitting and the aisle person was one of those people who thinks they should just sit there and wait for everyone on the bus to go by until she gets up. I say excuse me. She motions towards all the people she is letting go by as if there is no way for her to stand up and take her turn. Another dirty look.

I step off the bus onto solid ice. My feet go out from under me and I catch myself from landing on my ass by wrenching my back and pulling something in my leg.

Fuck today

  1. crazygrrrl says:

    eeeeep! I think your language is entirely justified. Hoping the day improves!

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