A Fond (and Awesome) Farewell

Posted: July 27, 2012 in Uncategorized

I told you about the going away party / show for one of my favourite people and one of the most important people of the spoken word community in Ottawa and Lanark County.

I told you that those that know, know and those that don’t likely never will.

Lots of people heeded my call. (Well…lots of people came to the show. I am sure most of them came with no prompting from me.)

What an amazing show! Sure we are going to miss such a wonderful person but her parting gift was a doozy! She told people that she was hoping poets would cover each other’s poems… and boy, did we!

Listen to some of these amazing highlights:

Festrell performing Steve Sauve’s ‘Beautiful’ (a poem Steve wrote FOR Danielle).

Ken Kicksee performing that evolution poem of Emily Kwissa’s which is incredibly amazing but I can’t recall that name of…

Sense-Say performing Kevin Matthews’ ‘Meat’. (Quote of the night, from Sense-Say: “Kevin Matthews has raps!”)

Nadine Thornhill performing Festrell’s ‘Q-pocolypse’.

V performing Danielle’s… oh damn. I forget which poem. I am mixing it up with D.G.’s set… Anyone?

Jeanette performing two pieces by Jessica Ruano!

Loh El performing a new piece by Saskatoon’s Simon Worms!

Ian Keteku and Brad Morden doing an N’Synch sing (as poem) and later a STELLAR performance of ‘Gone’ by Boyz II Men by Ian, V, Jenna Tenn-Yuk, PrufRock and Sense-Say. You had to be there.

John Akpata broke out the sax and we sang along to some Radiohead.

I was honoured to have three poets choose to perform pieces of mine.

Inez Dekker did Sometimes I Can’t Remember, a piece that we can both relate to.

Tammy Mackenzie did The Real Story of Icarus.

And Ronsense did a lesser known piece, I Want To Believe. His performance made me want to break that piece out again.

When Danielle did her set she covered a piece of V’s (KILLER!!), and she asked me to join her so we could do Library. This was originally going to be a parting Copper Conundrum performance but Kevin was very ill and couldn’t make it. I rearranged it for two and it was fun! Danielle also performed a few other poems – a mix-of classics and a wonderful brand new piece!

Great show.

Oh… I haven’t mentioned the poem I did, have I?


I was originally going to do the same Steve Sauve poem that Festrell did, so obviously THAT wasn’t going to work. I was sitting with Ruthanne and Nadine and my good friend Nadine mentioned that she had a print out of one of her poems that I could do if I wanted.

I took one look at the poem and agreed.

By the time I took the stage I was feeling that nagging feeling of regret. This could go over big or crash with a sickening thud.

It was the former.

Nadine’s poem is called ‘Clitoral Protestation’ and in it she is having a discussion with her clitoris about her sexual practices. My eyes were burning on stage (coincidence… I felt like I walked through a big cloud of perfume of something. Didn’t smell it…), by I said the hell with it and gave it my all. This all involved moans and groans and the line, “Bitch, please!”

A little different than my usual fare, but it went over pretty big. 🙂 I even got a free beverage as the proprietress thought it was so funny. 🙂

All in all, I don’t like WHY we had the show (as I am going to miss Danielle, Jonathan, Fiona and Joshua a whole great big bunch) but the show was epic.

Don’t forget to come out on August 4th for Capital Slam and if you can volunteer, please let me know!

  1. The Emily Kwissa poem Ken did is Love Letter to the Human Race. The Danielle poem that V did is called Kathy K’s Bike.

  2. Ken says:

    A Love Letter to the Human Race, by Emily Kwissa

  3. This sounds like something I really wish I could’ve been around for. Wow.

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